here's to you, not sucky monday
i just wanted to have a shout-out to these lovely days of sunday and monday, because tomorrow is the state of the union address and it can only be bad for us. normally i try to watch it from a bar with plenty of alcohol at hand to play drinking games and numb the urge to put my hand through the t.v., but this year the crowd is decidedly less political and i have a feeling i will be venting my feelings here along with 9/10ths of the blogosphere, or everyone not associated with pajamas media. it will be covered by every channel, pre-empting whatever you were hoping to watch, but both cnn and msnbc should have good coverage, with msnbc putting chris matthews and keith olbermann on it. also he'll be interviewing hillary later this week, which should be interesting as he hasn't shied away from asking people questions they'd rather not answer. tune in.
that said, here's to a lovely beginning of the week, and the downhill slide that's sure to follow.
shoes are like potatos?
n+1 takes on the semiotics of payless
(via gawker)
step by step, lie by lie
random blogosphere items of interest
bill o'reilly is an ass, believes kidnapped children "have more fun" with their kidnappers
(via media matters)
it's heeeere....it will monopolize your system resources, but you'll love every minute of it.
google earth 4
college republicans, still lame.
18-24 and support the war? great, don't enlist, take cookies to some wounded troops.
(via this modern world)
yes yes yes.
why being a feminist does not mean backing all women
(via alternet)
this doesn't even deserve a title
PELLEY: Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?
BUSH: That we didn't do a better job or they didn't do a better job?
worst. president. ever.
iphone- shiny goodness or sucky letdown?
at any rate, initially the iphone does look pretty effing sweet, but it looks like it might be better as the new ipod (though apple won't be the first working this touchscreen) and not so much as a phone. the good cnet bloggers over at crave have put together a pretty good list of why the iphone may just be good for shiny object lust and not so much actual use...sorry mac fans, but you can't be all right, all the time.
no, virginia, they don't really have herpes.
her: so do you think these people actually have genital herpes?
me: um, no. they're actors.
her. really?
me: yeah, they're getting paid to talk about it so more people take this medicine.
her: huh.
what followed this exchange was an even more ridiculous conversation about exactly which types of herpes it's ok to make fun of people for having between her and her brother (answer=none), but it left me feeling slightly disturbed that a 13 year old girl might think that all of the people shilling meds, or anything for that matter, on t.v. might really believe the things they're saying and not just be paid actors. i'm not sure if it says something about her age, personal naiveté, or complete lifetime immersion in advertising, but it does seem slightly problematic that kids don't even take commercials with a grain of salt. not giving me a heck of a lot of hope for questioning the media/government/etc as they get older.
generation sheep? i sure hope not. maybe we need to expose them to the power of nancy pelosi's womb.
disco balls and the feminazi agenda
(article example: "Pelosi is ardently pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, soft on crime, soft on drugs, soft on illegal immigration, anti-gun rights, anti-religion and anti-welfare reform. She wants to dramatically escalate taxes and doesn't believe that we're currently engaged in a war on Islamism. But she used the Lamaze method, so don't you dare call her a San Francisco liberal!")
anyway, just to further clarify matters, shakespeare's sister creates a helpful diagram to demonstrate exactly how the radical gay and feminazi agenda is formed in the womb and spread to all those so easily influenced on capital hill by it's subversive ways. i especially dig the disco ball.
when really bad plans go wrong
why msnbc deserves a special place in our hearts
too bad the white house only watches fox news, eh?This senseless, endless war.
But -- it has not been senseless in two ways.
It has succeeded, Mr. Bush, in enabling you to deaden the collective mind of this country to the pointlessness of endless war, against the wrong people, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
It has gotten many of us used to the idea -- the virtual "white noise" -- of conflict far away, of the deaths of young Americans, of vague "sacrifice" for some fluid cause, too complicated to be interpreted except in terms of the very important-sounding but ultimately meaningless phrase "the war on terror."
And the war’s second accomplishment -- your second accomplishment, sir -- is to have taken money out of the pockets of every American, even out of the pockets of the dead soldiers on the battlefield, and their families, and to have given that money to the war profiteers.
Because if you sell the Army a thousand Humvees, you can’t sell them any more until the first thousand have been destroyed.
The service men and women are ancillary to the equation.
This is about the planned obsolescence of ordnance, isn’t, Mr. Bush? And the building of detention centers? And the design of a $125 million courtroom complex at Gitmo, complete with restaurants.
At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.
here's a link to the rest of the speech as well.
now we can swim any day in november
1. super easy. join terrapass. for a variable sum (for a cr-v it's about $40) you can buy a yearly pass to counteract the emissions of your car and eliminate your carbon footprint, which they'll reinvest in green energy. now you can also buy them for your plane trips and for your house. it's not a ton of money and it makes a measurable difference. they have a third party audit them to verify where the money goes as well. they send you stickers too, and who doesn't like stickers?
2. also easy. buy more local food. yeah, it costs more. but the less time it takes your food to get to you, the fresher it is, the less possessed it has to be to stay that way, the better it tastes and is for you, the less chemicals it contains, etc.
3. even better- eat less meat. know very much about how your meat gets to your table? the way we farm animals has direct consequences on our emissions levels, in particular cows. what to do about it? eat less meat for one, support organic, grass-fed beef for another. there are plenty of farms working towards sustainable agriculture and there are co-op farms you can join or buy food direct from the farm- find them here.
4. not so easy- walk, ride your bike, take the bus. this one depends on where you live. of the many places i've lived over the past couple of years, i can honestly say most of the time you could suck it up and walk, but that bike riding was mostly out of the question due to traffic and lack of bike lanes or sidewalks. buses are practically non-existent outside of university campuses and large cities, unless we're talking europe, in which case all public transport is superior, even in luxembourg. bully for them.
5. install those cool looking fluorescent bulbs, turn the heat down, etc, etc, wash your clothes on cold. you know the drill kids, they've only been teaching us this stuff since the second grade. even the repubs are jumping on the save the planet bandwagon, and it's about freaking time.
you already knew all this, right? right. well consider this a friendly new year's reminder to do your recycling, walk someplace once in a while, and stop being so happy it's 55 degrees in january. cute little penguins in antarctica are losing their homes. or something like that.
and really, none of this stuff will do any good unless there are real changed enacted on a national level. i say national because we're responsible for more of this than any other industrialized nation, and i think it follows that we ought to act accordingly to work to fix it. in all likelihood, the government won't be the ones doing the work here....organizations like terrapass, or the apollo alliance, or even states, will be pushing for change. george monbiot's new book "heat" attempts to present some real-world solutions as well, more than just "drive less", etc,...here's a review.
last night's dream: or, my missed chance at being a debutante
me, along with a large group of girls, some of whom i know and some strangers, brought to new york with one suitcase and no real idea what was going on. what is going on? debutante (debutard?) luncheon! to my panic and chagrin, my suitcase lacks the requisite white pantsuit-type lunching outfit every debutante requires and is instead filled with black, vaguely punky hipster clothing that i try desperately to make into some kind of presentable outfit, knowing that i will surely be denied entry due to my wrong-end of manhantten appropriate wardrobe. and the worst part- i'm actually kind of broken up about this.
odd manifestation of my current existential crisis? repressed lament over never getting to be a debutante? plain old cracked out standard issue dream?
i'm going to go with number 2. lord knows i always wanted to have multiple male escorts (one military, even), exchange small talk with hotel heiresses, AND impress everyone present with my curtseying skills. i mean, seriously, who wouldn't? once you get your invites, the tables are only ten thou. pocket change.
there's a reason why these people are frequently referred to as debutards.
plan B
plan B
in light of all the rampant vag-flashing going on (ahem, britney et al.), etc., it seems like jokes about plan B being another excuse for "drunken whoring" barely seem to be about birth control, and actually seem to be about what happens after plan A just stops working out and "plan B" is judt a better publicity strategy.
in the real, non-drunken whore celebrity world, however, this "blame the victim" discussion is so ridiculous is barely rates talking about. as ss points out, more women are raped in thier homes and by people they know, not while wearing short skirts and walking down the street, or for that matter, even for acting like drunken whores. comparing rape to petty theft is demeaning and absurd, but it does reflect one perception that so many people seem to have- that a woman's body is worth about as much as an ipod or a watch.
it just blows the mind.
haben sie special doughnuts?
another year
Cuki, explained.
a mini photo essay of budapest
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From Budapest-2006 |
the courtyard of stephen's apartment building
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thier uberscary, but pretty, elevator
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From Budapest-2006 |
Stephen outside Fisherman's Bastion at night
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Me, The Living Room, Depeche Mode, New Years 2K7
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Nada, Kasia, Marko, Jen- who doesn't love Depeche Mode?
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Happy New Year!
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Emra, our Turkish friend getting his MA in real job skills
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Jen and Tyler and the wonders of modern technology
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Zombie Chickens. Better watch yourself.
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We made our own snow for Christmas
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Israel juice represent.